El BDFL después de pasearse por PyCon montando un Pony Rosado ... ha anunciado su retiro. Después de haber dirigido el desarrollo de Python durante 20 años, Guido van Rossum (anteriormente BDFL) ahora será llamado Benevolent Dictator Emeritus Vacationing Indefinitely from the Language (BDEVIL) ... su sucesor será Barry Warsaw, quien se conocerá como Friendly Language Uncle For Life (FLUFL) ...
La Python Software Foundation, habiendo cumplido su tarea de manera admirable, queda desmantelada; y sus fondos y activos, etc serán transferidos a la Python Steering Union (PSU) ...
Otras medidas también serán adoptadas ... todo ha quedado recogido en el PEP 401.
¿Será este el fin de las versiones 3.x de Python?
Una de las primeras tareas del FLUFL estará relacionada con esta rama de desarrollo ... Por ejemplo :
- Se retoma el signo de desigualdad <> debido a que se ha constatado que el operador != es horrible. Este cambio estará añadido a la versión 3.1.
- El cambio de la instrucción print por la función del mismo nombre no ha sido bien acogido y, por tanto, se retornará a la instrucción print en la versión 3.0.2.
- La curva de adopción de Python 3.0 ha sido tan pobre que se ha decidido abandonar su desarrollo y cortar las versiones sucesivas de esta efímera rama. Las características ya implementadas, probadas y aceptadas serán incorporadas en Python 2.7, la cual será la única rama official de ahora en adelante. Los nuevos tipos de cadenas de caracteres serán incluidos como backports en Python 2.6.2 para la conveniencia de los desarrolladores.
El lenguaje C, que se va haciendo cada vez más obsoleto, va a ser remplazado pensando en el futuro del propio lenguaje. Esto se debe a la baja aceptación de C por los programadores menores de 30 años. La implementación de CPython será entonces descontinuada con las versiones. A partir de ahí se basará en la máquina virtual llamada Parrot.
Preocupante resultan los nuevos tiempos. Solo hay que tener en cuenta que Python ha sido declarado el lenguaje del año 2007 y es connotado por su estrategia open source. Presten atención a la nota al final del PEP 401 :
Copyright This document is the property of the Python Steering Union (not to be confused with the Python Secret Underground, which emphatically does not exist). We suppose it's okay for you to read this, but don't even think about quoting, copying, modifying, or distributing it.
Todo esto dejará el escenario listo para que Guido van Rossum pueda realizar el sueño de su vida ... escalar varios picos en el Himalaya ...
Las implicaciones
Si Ud está sufriendo hasta este punto ... por favor no se preocupe más. Todo esto no es más que parte del April Foolish Day el equivalente al Día de los Inocentes en los países de habla hispana, pero que es celebrado en diciembre. No se preocupe si cayó ... yo lo hice peor. Solo miren esta conversación en #trac:
<pacopablo> http://python.org/dev/peps/pep-0401/ <pacopablo> Guido is Retired! :) * _MoZ_ has quit ("Leaving") <coderanger> yay for sleeping in <pacopablo> horray! <pacopablo> slacker! * jhammel (n=jhammel@topp-office-nyc.openplans.org) has joined #trac <dunk_> ah us wakes up ;] <evil_twin> t.e.o: Changeset [8017]: Sandbox rework testing: start pulling out the version control bits so ... - <http://trac.edgewall.org/changeset/8017> - ecarter [...] <olemis> a question about guido's retirement ... IYO is this good or bad ? <olemis> I mean how good | bad is that ? <olemis> what are the implications ? [...] <pacopablo> well, he WAS running around PyCon with a pink pony <pacopablo> olemis: so maybe it's a good thing, as clearly he was losing his mind :) [...] <olemis> pacopablo: ok ... perhaps this is not the best place to discuss this <olemis> pacopablo: but what r the implications of PSU heading <olemis> Py-dev <olemis> ? <olemis> And PSF gone ... I mean ... <olemis> does anybody know where can I read or know more about all this ? * lukecyca (n=luke@mail.zymeworks.com) has joined #trac <olemis> I apologize if this is a little bit OT here ... :-| <= <pacopablo> olemis: I feel bad for stringing you along any more. <pacopablo> are you familiar with April Fools Day? * elpargo (n=elpargo@ has joined #trac <olemis> oops ... <olemis> what happens is that we do the same thing (... similar ...) <olemis> in december ... <olemis> ok ... game over ... XD <coderanger> olemis: Don't trust anything you see on the internet today <olemis> jajajaja <olemis> XD * coderanger -> crowne * coderanger has quit () * crump_ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) <retracile> _just_ today??? <jhammel> retracile: _especially_ today <pacopablo> what are you implying? That 4chan isn't a source of reliable information? [...] <olemis> ok ... I admit that climbing Himalaya hills * takayama has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) <olemis> was a funny reason since the beginning ...
Jajajajaajaja ... no saben cómo me reí después de esto ... y después de leer el mensaje que enviaron en python-dev ... más o menos es algo así ...título All Hail the FLUFL ... XD
On behalf of the entire Python community and as CTO of Cheez Whiz Global Conglomerates, Inc. I would like to extend My Thanks to our BDEVIL's many Selfless and Dedicated years of service. I can say without remorse that the State of the Art in the Gas Propelled Cheezical Sciences would be 11 years behind schedule if it weren't for the BDEVIL and Python. However, as we at CWGC have been Contemplating an upgrade to our Pythonic Orange Oscillation Process for many years - we're still on Python 1.5.1 and due to our Centuries-Old corporate culture, only upgrade to multiples of two - we have been dismayed by recent Unfortunate Decisions negatively impacting our hope of world-wide long term acceptance of Python 3.0.2. Thus I applaud you for your chosen New Path, wish you a Speedy Shirpa Assisted Ascent, and I welcome our new FLUFL's similarly Lofty Ascent to Pythonic Overlordhood. You may not realize that the technology behind our groundbreaking Subsonic Plasticine Extrusion of Coagulated Flavor Oil utilize inequalities to a vast degree. In fact, our many Published Papers confirm our mathematical leadership in the Algebraic States of Less Than and More Than Simultaneity. Were it not for the Diamond Operator, billions, nay! trillions of crackers would have languished Unadorned, Unenjoyed, and Unloved. For this reason, the sole choice of the Evil Hash-Equal was enough to force us to Seriously Investigate a switch to Stenographic Non-deterministic SQL (a promising new scripting language somewhat similar to Ruby). It is with an Overboiling Pot of Joy that we fully support Official FLUFL Act 2. Trust me when I say that with this single reversion, the world of High Velocity Extremely High Pressure Milkyish Orange Goop Delivery Devices will never be the same. I am also Ecstatic at the reversal of DVCS decision. It is with no Small Irony that I admit the mere utterance of any derivative of the root word "Mercury" is a firing offence in my Establishment. In honor of our new FLUFL, I am directing our CFO Timmy "The Larch" Lomax (no direct relation to myself) to donate the sum of USA $23,250 to the PSU in furtherance of their mission. If there is a PyCon sponsorship level Above Diamond (may we suggest "Orange"?) we would be honored to claim that Pinnacle for 2010. Atlanta is located very near our Secret Manufacturing Facility and I would be remiss if I did not direct additional PyCon branded delivery of 5000 cans of our Premium Velvet Brand Cheez Whiz Lunchables with Detachable Shooters. I think the 2010 conference attendees will appreciate the diversion and hope this will entice people to join our Sprint next year. foolish-ly y'rs, frank
Me encanta el April Foolish Day ... XD
Parece que yo no fui el único

Sí ... mi amigo de tantos años Kyrie también pudo tener algunas palpitaciones de más por algo como esto ... :P y quizás yo contribuí ... un poquito ... >:§ ...
Pero el April Foolish Day parece que fue más allá ... veamos el aporte de Google. Hace mucho tiempo que se viene manejando la idea de un nuevo lenguaje que esté disponible en Google App Engine. Hay nuevas noticias al respecto ... Título del mensaje New Runtime Language Announced! , en la lista oficial de Google App Engine
Hi all, I'm pleased as punch to share with you the details on the new runtime language available for App Engine. We announced it on our blog: http://googleappengine.blogspot.com/2009/04/brand-new-language-on-google-app-engine.html From the blog post: """ It's been almost a year since we've launched App Engine with support for Python, and what a year it's been! We've gotten fantastic feedback from developers, and we've released loads of new features! When we launched, we promised support for another runtime language, and indeed this has been among the most requested features from our developers since day one. Well, we fed Google's new CADIE Strategic Decision Maker the App Engine issue tracker, our groups, and various blog posts around the internet to help select a new runtime language for App Engine. Today we're excited to officially announce support for FORTRAN 77! If you're an enterprise customer and want to take advantage of Google App Engine, but have a large and cumbersome legacy system, we want to make it easy for you to port to the cloud. By providing a Fortran 77 runtime, along with a familiar, easy-to-use deployment mechanism, we hope to make this process efficient and straightforward. Want to give it a try? Download our SDK and deploy your application by mailing punch cards to: Google App Engine, C/O APPCFG 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy Mountain View, CA 94043 and we'll take care of the rest! We welcome your feedback on our newest addition to the App Engine family--you can discuss it on our Google Group! """ So there you have it, let's discuss!
Vean a dónde llegó la cuerda ...
I have deployed a sample Fortune to my app on http://atari.appspot.com but unfortunately not working , i do not even see a debug message , any clue ? do i have to reconfigure my app from the admin console ?
Hi! I managed to deployed an app using FORTRAN 77 on GAE, take a look: http://micro-jude.appspot.com
Dear Mr. Googles, Iz E-mailed youse my pungecardsz a week agos n Iz stilz wayting four my chezburgers! Sinceerlyz, "Kitty" P.S. (Pawscript) - I'm ins ur cloudz eating ur dataz!
Hi Jeff, Fantastic! I've build my first app on Fortran77 GAE. This is my first program on F77, so I'm not sure if it works. Could anyone give me some advices? My first app: http://sl.shehas.net/dkpjt
Y no se pierdan esta última ... XD

Así que ya sabe ... hay que tener cuidado con lo que se lee por ahí ... sobre todo a principios de abril ... mientras tanto, todo el mundo quiere un pony ... XD
Si se entera de otros efectos secundarios del April Foolish Day, me encantaría conocerlos ... incluya su comentario con las bromas que Ud conozca ... me encanta reirme ... me encanta el April Foolish Day ... XD
muy curioso el post. aqui les envio un link, donde se encuentra un catalogo de las bromas mas famosas a lo largo de la historia en el dia de los tontos.